
Hi, I'm Alen, a seasoned web developer and proud owner of a web agency for the past 5 years. With over a decade of experience in the field, I've developed a passion for crafting beautiful and functional websites that meet my clients' specific needs. My approach to web development is centered around the user experience, ensuring that every website I create is easy to navigate, intuitive, and visually appealing.

As a web agency owner, I pride myself on delivering high-quality work that exceeds my clients' expectations. I work closely with each client to understand their unique business goals and tailor my services to meet their needs. From small businesses to large corporations, I've helped many clients establish their online presence and grow their brand through effective web development strategies.

Pozdrav! Tražim web developera za implementaciju određenih funkcionalnosti web stranice koja je trenutno u fazi izrade. Ukratko, radi se o platformi za prikupljanje životopisa koja povezuje poslodavce i potencijalne zaposlenike. Postoji stara web stranica koja koristi eksternu bazu podataka...